MARY ANN COTTON. 1832-1873.
                Mary Ann Cotton.. The Evidence.. Execution.. Hartlepool History Team.. Illustrations. Newspaper & Public Comments.. Mary Ann Cotton.. The Evidence.. Execution.. Hartlepool History Team.. Illustrations. Newspaper & Public Comments..

 Death Sentence for Mary Ann Cotton, 7th March 1873.



    I beg to inform you that at the Assizes (County Court) holden in Durham on Friday the 7th day of March 1873.  Mary Ann Cotton was convicted of wilful murder and sentenced to be hanged. Consequently in accordance with the rules laid down in your order (Home Secretary) dated 13th August 1868. Mary Ann Cotton will be executed on Monday the 24th inst, at 8 o, clock am.

      I have the honor to be Sir

   Your Most Obedient Servant.

          Charles Armstrong

                Lt. Colonel

     Governor (Durham Jail).

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